Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder among Victims of Great March of Return in the Gaza Strip, Palestine: a Need for Policy Intervention

Abstract This study aimed to assess the level of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder ( PSTD) and to examine the relationship between exposure to war stress and posttraumatic symptoms among people who were injured during the Great March of Return (GMR) in the Gaza Strip, Palestine. A sample of 264 adults who were injured during participation in the events of GMR completed the Impact Event Scale-Revised (IES-R). IES-R has three sub-scales; intrusion, avoidance, and hyper-arousal. Only 27.3% of the participants had two or more injuries and 38.4% of participants reported having disability due to their injuries. The results showed that 95.4% of the participants had severe posttraumatic symptoms. Total score of IES-R ranged between 29 and 88 (mean = 61.28). The most frequent symptoms of trauma subscales was “Intrusion” (mean=2.90), followed by “Avoidance” (mean=2.73), and then “Hyper-arousal” (mean=2.70). Level of PTSD was affected by working status, need for hospitalization, need for a referral for treatment outside the Gaza Strip, disability and severity of injury. Such high level of PSTD will have negative consequences on participants’ physical and mental status. Therefore, a need for special counselling programs is required to help them to survive with least consequences of PTSD on their wellbeing.
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