Open‐Source ANSS Quake Monitoring System Software

ANSS stands for the Advanced National Seismic System of the U.S.A., and ANSS Quake Monitoring System (AQMS) is the earthquake management system (EMS) that most of its member regional seismic networks (RSNs) use. AQMS is based on Earthworm, but instead of storing files on disk, it uses a relational database with replication capability to store pick, amplitude, waveform, and event parameters. The replicated database and other features of AQMS make it a fully redundant system. A graphical user interface written in Java, Jiggle, is used to review automatically generated picks and event solutions, relocate events, and recalculate magnitudes. Add‐on mechanisms to produce various postearthquake products such as ShakeMaps and focal mechanisms are available as well. It provides a configurable automatic alarming and notification system. The Pacific Northwest Seismic Network, one of the Tier 1 ANSS RSNs, has modified AQMS to be compatible with a freely available, capable, open‐source database system, PostgreSQL, and is running this version successfully in production. The AQMS Software Working Group has moved the software from a subversion repository server hosted at the California Institute of Technology to a public repository at The drawback of AQMS as a whole is that it is complex to fully configure and comprehend. Nevertheless, the fact that it is very capable, documented, and now free to use, might make it an attractive EMS choice for many seismic networks.
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