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Peer group is a learning group most education takes place in group situations the group impact and influence on its members is so strong that it pushes the group as a whole to support a learning process. The effects of peer groups on students' academic performance play a prominent role in various education policy debates. The study conducted to find out the effect of peer group and socioeconomic status on the academic achievement in preparatory school students at Assiut City. Descriptive cross sectional study design was used. The students of preparatory schools in the first, second and third grades 12 years or above old were included in the study. The five public preparatory school students in the local government area constituted the population of the study. The calculated sample size was 650 students who were randomly selected. Two tools were used in this study; the first tool was a questionnaire designed by the researchers and includes questions on three parts: socio- demographic data of the shared students, questions about the effects of the students' peer group, and questions about the students' attitude regarding their peers.The second tool was assessment of the socio-economic status of the
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