Теория культурного трансфера – новый взгляд на межкультурную коммуникацию

The topic of cultural transfer has become one of the topics discussed in the humanitarian scientific community in recent years. This is due to the growing intensity of interaction between different cultures at the current stage of globalization. One of the founders of the theory of cultural transfer is the modern French philosopher and culturologist Michel Espagne. This methodology has influenced various areas of the humanities, focusing on the forms of interdependence of cultures. In accordance with her understanding, we are talking about the need to identify those points where two or more cultures really touch and acquire new meanings. Therefore, the main goal is not so much to try to compare cultural spaces as to find imbrications (layers), to reveal traces of "cultural transplantation", "networks of cultural interactions." In the Russian-speaking scientific community, the advancement of this theory was facilitated by his recently translated into Russian book "History of Civilizations as a Cultural Transfer" (2018), which sets out the basic principles of the methodology
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