Based on the observed cross-section of the underwater junction photovoltaic power generation system

The present invention discloses a cross-sectional observation and underwater junction photovoltaic power generation system based on, the platen comprising photovoltaic means, cross-sectional observation unit and the underwater unit is connected; photovoltaic power generation unit based on the platen and to the entire photovoltaic generation power distribution system, and the entire system as the terminal information interaction with the outside world; sectional observation unit is used to connect photovoltaic power generation unit and a buoyant member connected underwater unit, and electricity and provide a path for signal transmission; means for underwater junction PV platen unit acquires energy and information with the platen photovoltaic unit, complete with underwater Self docking station connected tasks, non-contact power and signal cables connected to the station from a system profiler transmission. System of the present invention is suitable for the marine environment and placed in long-term deployment location is not limited, to enhance the overall capacity of the underwater vehicle, fully PV, buoys and underwater vehicles to their respective advantages, to build three-dimensional observation system is important.
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