Linoleic acid peroxidation by Solanum tuberosum lipoxygenase was activated in the presence of human 5-lipoxygenase-activating protein

Abstract The present investigation describes the ability of human 5-lipoxygenase-activating protein (FLAP) to activate a plant 5-lipoxygenase. The presence of an active recombinant human FLAP in the 100 000× g membrane fraction of infected Sf9 cells led to a specific increase in 9-hydroperoxyoctadecadienoic acid (9-HPOD) synthesis (+68%) or in 5-hydroperoxyeicosatetraenoic acid (5-HPETE) synthesis (+68%), after action of Solanum tuberosum tuber 5-lipoxygenase ( S.t. LOX) on linoleic acid (natural plant lipoxygenase substrate) or on arachidonic acid. On the contrary, the presence of non-transfected membranes obtained from non-infected Sf9 cells led to an inhibition of lipoxygenase activity. MK-886, a potent inhibitor of leukotriene biosynthesis, blocked the FLAP dependent S.t .LOX activation after preincubation with FLAP transfected membranes. In conclusion, this study demonstrates that a recombinant human FLAP can stimulate a lipoxygenase other than mammalian 5-lipoxygenase ( S.t. LOX) by using different polyunsaturated fatty acids as substrates.
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