Characterization of the surface enhanced raman scattering (SERS) of bacteria.

The surface enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) of a number of species and strains of bacteria obtained on novel gold nanoparticle (∼80 nm) covered SiO2 substrates excited at 785 nm is reported. Raman cross-section enhancements of >104 per bacterium are found for both Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria on these SERS active substrates. The SERS spectra of bacteria are spectrally less congested and exhibit greater species differentiation than their corresponding non-SERS (bulk) Raman spectra at this excitation wavelength. Fluorescence observed in the bulk Raman emission of Bacillus species is not apparent in the corresponding SERS spectra. Despite the field enhancement effects arising from the nanostructured metal surface, this fluorescence component appears “quenched” due to an energy transfer process which does not diminish the Raman emission. The surface enhancement effect allows the observation of Raman spectra of single bacterial cells excited at low incident powers and short data acquisition times....
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