Inovação Pedagógica e Gestão Democrática

Portugues Em tempos de recusa as concepcoes pedagogicas tidas como tradicionais e ao forte apelo a inclusao das novas tecnologias de informacao e comunicacao nas escolas, a inovacao pedagogica apresenta-se como elemento que fomenta a mudanca de atitude dos profissionais da educacao quanto as formas de gestao e de desenvolvimento do curriculo, sustentada por politicas publicas e condicoes objetivas de trabalho. Com o objetivo de refletir sobre as possibilidades e limites da inovacao na educacao escolar, desenvolvemos um estudo de caso em uma escola publica municipal de Florianopolis, considerada inovadora, pela Secretaria Municipal de Educacao. Realizamos entrevistas, observacoes, analise documental e dialogamos com algumas das praticas pedagogicas e de gestao. Foi possivel identificar que, apesar dos limites, a gestao democratica praticada na instituicao apresenta-se como uma ferramenta essencial na construcao das iniciativas inovadoras. Ingles This is a time of refusal of the traditional educational concepts. There is a strong call for using new Information and Communication Technologies in schools. Therefore, Teaching Innovation presents itself as an element that promotes change. The adjustments regard the attitude of educational professionals as well the school's management methods and curriculum development. These changes are also supported by public policies and actual working conditions. In order to reflect on the possibilities and limits of innovation in basic education, we developed a case study in a public elementary school considered innovative by the city's Board of Education. We conducted interviews, observations and monitoring. We mapped the legal documents on pedagogical innovation and engaged with some of the teaching and management practices. At the end, it was possible to identify that, despite the limitations, the democratic management method practiced in the institution presented itself as an essential tool for the construction of their innovative educational initiatives.
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