Reakcje emocjonalne na przemoc u kobiet doświadczonych poważną agresją interpersonalną

The aim of the study was to establish how women-victims of aggression in close relationships as compared to women without such victim experience respond to filmed violence. Their reactions should result from emotional sensitization effect or desensitization effect. Three groups: women who experienced physical aggression in close relationships, but without PTSD symptoms (ABZ), women afflicted by serious physical aggression (PAF) and women without such experiences (K) were exposed to screen violence. The groups did not differ on anxietytrait and emotions experienced at the baseline. Group ABZ responded to violent scenes with a bigger increase of negative emotions than the other ones did. The findings show that victims of violence in close relationships experience increased negative emotionality and are at risk of health problems and lowered life ąuality despite the fact that they have declared a satisfactory coping with critical situation.
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