Paternally inherited effects of gamma radiation on mouse preimplantation development detected by the chimera assay.

It has previously been shown that type B spermatogonia in male mice treated with 0.05 Gy of X rays undergo an alteration expressed by progeny embryos as a cellular proliferation disadvantage in a chimera assay. We wished to obtain information on the assay's detection limit to ionizing radiation and on the radiosensitive target in male germ cells. Male mice were briefly irradiated with137 Cs γ rays at nominal absorbed doses of 0.0, 0.0015, 0.005, 0.010, or 0.05 Gy and then mated for the next 8 weeks to untreated females. Four-cell embryos from treated males (experimental embryos) were paired with FITC-labeled embryos from untreated males (control embryos) to form aggregation chimeras. The chimeras were cultured for 30-40 h and examined under phase-contrast and UV illumination for the number of unlabeled cells (from the experimental embryo) and total chimera cell number, which were then expressed as "proliferation ratios" (No. unlabeled cells/total chimera cell No.). Significant decreases in proliferation r...
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