Development of codes and KASKAD complex

Abstract A brief description of the development history of engineering computer codes for VVER reactor calculations, which have been developed in the VVER physics department of NRC Kurchatov institute, since the end of 1950 s till now, are given in the report. The modern status of the basic codes of the Kurchatov institute for VVER fuel loadings design and safety analysis (TVS-M, KASKAD-BIPR-PERMAK, BIPR8, PERMAK-3D, SC1, TOPRA, ATHLET/BIPR-VVER, TIGR-1, etc.) is characterized from various points of view. Some specific problems which are shown during designing of fuel cycles, optimisation of fuel and technologies will be commented. They demand decisions within the complex of programs and, accordingly, demand the further development of a complex or working out and inclusion in a complex of new programs.
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