Estudio de la comprensión lectora en alumnado con Trastorno por Déficit de Atención/Hiperactividad

espanolLa sintomatologia del Trastorno por Deficit de Atencion/Hiperactividad (TDAH) esta ampliamente vinculada con la presencia de dificultades de aprendizaje, especialmente en lo referido a procesos de comprension lectora. Hay indicios de la asociacion de estas dificultades con factores de comorbilidad y presentacion clinica de TDAH. El objetivo primordial de este trabajo ha sido estudiar la capacidad de comprension lectora en alumnado de Educacion Primaria y Secundaria con trastorno hiperactivo y su relacion con la comorbilidad y las presentaciones clinicas o subtipos del trastorno. La muestra estaba compuesta por 111 estudiantes de edades comprendidas entre los 6 y 17 anos con diagnostico de TDAH. La evaluacion de la capacidad de comprension de la lectura se realizo mediante la prueba estandarizada TALE-2000. Los resultados de este estudio confirmaron que los menores con trastorno de hiperactividad presentaban dificultades en las tareas de comprension lectora. El 35,2% supero la prueba con exito alcanzando un nivel A, mientras que el 27,8% consiguio un nivel B, y el 37% un nivel C. No hubo diferencias significativas entre presentaciones clinicas (p=0,391), ni atendiendo a la comorbilidad (p=0,5). Segun nuestros hallazgos, la poblacion estudiantil con TDAH presenta dificultades de comprension lectora independientemente de la existencia de comorbilidades y del subtipo de trastorno hiperactivo. Estos datos sugieren la necesidad de que los profesionales del ambito clinico y escolar lleven a cabo con este alumnado evaluaciones e intervenciones a tiempo y lo mas sistematicas posibles. Igualmente, consideramos necesaria la aplicacion de adaptaciones metodologicas relacionadas con los procesos de lectura. EnglishThe symptoms of Attention Deficit / Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) are widely linked to the presence of learning difficulties, especially regarding reading comprehension processes. There is evidence between these difficulties with comorbidity factors and clinical presentation of ADHD. The main objective of this work has been to study the reading comprehension capacity in Primary and Secondary Education students with hyperactive disorder and its relationship with comorbidity and clinical presentations or subtypes of the disorder. The sample consisted of 111 students across ages 6 to 17 diagnosed with ADHD. The assessment of reading comprehension capacity was carried out using the TALE-2000 standardized test. The results of this study confirmed that children with hyperactivity disorder had difficulties in reading comprehension tasks. 35.2% successfully passed the test reaching a level A, while 27.8% achieved a level B, and 37% a level C. There were no significant differences between clinical presentations (p = 0.391). nor considering comorbidity (p = 0.5). According to these findings, thThe symptoms of Attention Deficit / Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) are widely linked to the presence of learning difficulties, especially regarding reading comprehension processes. There is evidence between these difficulties with comorbidity factors and clinical presentation of ADHD. The main objective of this work has been to study the reading comprehension capacity in Primary and Secondary Education students with hyperactive disorder and its relationship with comorbidity and clinical presentations or subtypes of the disorder. The sample consisted of 111 students across ages 6 to 17 diagnosed with ADHD. The assessment of reading comprehension capacity was carried out using the TALE-2000 standardized test. The results of this study confirmed that children with hyperactivity disorder had difficulties in reading comprehension tasks. 35.2% successfully passed the test reaching a level A, while 27.8% achieved a level B, and 37% a level C. There were no significant differences between clinical presentations (p = 0.391). nor considering comorbidity (p = 0.5). According to these findings, the student population with ADHD presents reading comprehension difficulties regardless of the existence of comorbidities and the subtype of hyperactive disorder. These data suggest the need for clinical and school professionals to carry out evaluations and interventions with these students on time and as systematic as possible. Likewise, it should be considered to apply methodological adaptations related to reading processes. student population with ADHD presents reading comprehension difficulties regardless of the existence of comorbidities and the subtype of hyperactive disorder. These data suggest the need for clinical and school professionals to carry out evaluations and interventions with these students on time and as systematic as possible. Likewise, it should be considered to apply methodological adaptations related to reading processes.
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