Технические возможности безгазовой лапароскопии в диагностике острой абдоминальной патологии у пациентов с деструктивным туберкулезом легких

The surgical department of PRTD has developed a tool for the early detection of acute abdominal distress in patients with destructive pulmonary tuberculosis (RF Patent for invention No. 2475196, 2011). This device allows to perform the gasless laparoscopy in patients with severe respiratory failure. It comprises the advantages of laparoscopy and minimally invasive laparocentesis, helps to reduce the operation time and avoid the negative effect of intense carboxyperitoneum. There have been carried out 17 diagnostic gasless laparoscopies in patients with destructive pulmonary tuberculosis with suspected acute abdominal distress (III-IV degree of interference risk according to ASA classification). In developing the appropriate skills the duration for the gasless laparoscopy has come to 14.6±2.6 min., and in the experimental group (47 people, traditional laparoscopy) - 59.2±12.4 min. Any complications associated with the surgical interference have not been registered. The gasless laparoscopy let to broaden the indications to use videoimage endoscopy for the patients with a high degree of surgical risk.
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