AVALIAÇÃO DA CAPACIDADE INSPIRATÓRIA EM CRIANÇAS COM DISTROFIA MUSCULAR PROGRESSIVA Inspiratory capacity in children with muscular progressive dystrophy

The Progressive Muscular Dystrophy (PMD) corresponds to a disorder degenerative group, which follows a muscular generalized weakness standard of progressive clinic course, leading to breathing complications. The weakness of the breathing muscles justifies the necessity to evaluate the inspiratory capacity (IC) at these patients. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate IC in patients with PMD by Breathstacking (BS) and Volume Incentive Spirometry (IS) techniques. MATERIAL AND METHODS: 4 children with confirmed diagnosis of PMD (PMD Group) 4 normal children were recruited from a regular primary school (Control Group). In each group measures of the IC were made with both proposed techniques, in which 3 valid measures were done for each participant. The volunteers were positioned seated with supported feet, being with his rectified and supported trunk, hip in 90o of flexion and flexed knees. A descriptive analysis was made. For comparison of the variables in both groups the Mann – Whitney test was applied. For inter-group comparison of the techniques was by the Wilcoxon test, p<0,05 . RESULTS: The selected children had a mean age from 10 to 11 years old and were all males. The volumes reached during the evaluation of the IC by the BS were higher than IS, with significant values only in the Control Group (PMD=BS:2940,0
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