Impact of Assimilating AIRS Cloud-Cleared Radiances on Atmospheric Dynamics and Polar Low Representation at High Latitudes

This study explores the sensitivity of planetary boundary layer height and related atmospheric dynamics to the assimilation of cloud-cleared AIRS (Atmospheric Infrared Sounder) radiances in the Goddard Earth Observing System (GEOS, version 5) data assimilation and forecast system during the boreal fall 2014 season using observing system experiments (OSEs). Examined here are comparisons between the current, operational approach of assimilating AIRS clear-sky radiances against the assimilation of cloud-cleared radiances (CCR). In polar regions, assimilation of AIRS CCRs is particularly beneficial because of the sparsity of conventional observations and the prevalence of extended low-level stratus cloud cover, which limit the ingestion of clear-sky data. Assimilation of hyperspectral infrared information from AIRS over the Arctic region slightly modifies the lower midtropospheric temperature structure, which in turn contributes to adjustments in geopotential height, affecting the baroclinic instability properties over the entire hemisphere and explaining the overall improvement in global forecast skill. In addition, it is shown that the assimilation of CCRs benefits the representation of convectively-driven small-scale cyclones at high latitudes in the same way as previously noted for tropical cyclones. Specifically, assimilation of CCRs create a temperature dipole over the top of meteorologically active and strongly convective systems such as polar, arctic, and antarctic lows, which helps constrain the analyzed representation of their scale and vertical structure.
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