Research in photobiology : [proceedings of the Seventh International Congress on Photobiology, held in Rome, Italy, August 29-September 3, 1976]

The Farrington Daniels Memorial Lecture Solar Energy.- Symposia.- Photophysical and Photochemical Properties of Excited States.- Photophysical and Photochemical Properties of Excited States Introduction.- The Rules of Organic Molecular Fluorescence.- Elementary Photochemical Reactions.- Photoreactions in Biological Macromolecular Complexes.- Photoreactions in Biological Macromolecular Complexes (Introductory Remarks).- Excited State Interactions and Photochemical Reactions in Protein-Nucleic Acid Complexes.- Structural Relationships in Macromolecular Complexes Determined by Photochemical Crosslinking.- Photodegradation of Biomembranes.- Photomovement in Microorganisms.- Photomovement in Microorganisms - Introduction to the Symposium.- Photomovement in Microorganisms: Strategies of Response.- Pigments Involved in the Photomotion of Microorganisms.- Speculations about Sensory Transduction.- Panel Discussion of Photomovement.- Photosynthesis.- Present Status of the O2 Evolution Model.- Low Temperature Reactions in Photosynthesis.- Control of the Electron Transfer by the Transmembrane Electric Field and Structure of System II Centers.- Modulating Effects on the Delayed Luminescence from Photosystem II of Photosynthesis.- In Vitro Photosynthesis.- Comparative Effects of Exciting and Ionizing Radiations.- Quantitative Mutagenesis by Chemicals and by Radiations: Prerequisites for the Establishment of Rad-Equivalences.- A Comparative Study of Several Survival Responses of Mammalian Cells after UV and after X-Irradiation.- Ionizing and Ultraviolet Radiations: Genetic Effects and Repair in Yeast.- Ataxia Telangiectasia: an Inherited Human Disease Involving Radiosensitivity, Malignancy and Defective DNA Repair.- Effects of Vacuum-UV and Excited Gases on DNA.- Photosensitized Reactions of Nucleic Acids and Proteins.- Photosensitization in Biological Systems.- The Role of Oxygen in Photosynthetized Reactions of Proteins and Nucleic Acids.- New Chemical Aspects of the Photoreaction between Psoralen and DNA.- Excited States of Skin-Sensitizing Psoralens and their Reactions with Nucleic Acids.- Photochemotherapeutic, Photobiological, and Photochemical Properties of Psoralens.- Repair of Radiation Damage.- DNA Repair Schemes in Bacteria and in Human Cells.- Postreplication Repair in Human Fibroblasts.- Studies on the Enzymology of Excision Repair in Extracts of Mammalian Cells.- Human Photoreactivating Enzymes.- Effects of Ultraviolet-Light and of Some Major Chemical Carcinogens of E. Coli K12 (?).- Solar Energy Conversion Systems.- Hydrogen Metabolism in Photosynthetic Organisms, the Mechanims of Hydrogen Photoevolution.- Chemical Reactions for the Utilization of Solar Energy.- Photosynthesis - a Practical Energy Source?.- Photoproduction of Hydrogen in Photosynthetic Systems.- Determinants of Feasibility in Bioconversion of Solar Energy.- Photobiology in Medicine.- Photobiology in Medicine.- Photophysiological Research - Preventive Medicine.- Erythropoietic Protoporphyria - the Disease, and its treatment with Beta-Carotene.- Photochemotherapy of Psoriasis (PUVA).- Advantages and Disadvantages of Phototherapy in Neonatal Hyperbilirubinemia.- Phototherapy of Neonatal Jaundice: Effect on Blood Biorhythms.- Phototherapy of Human Tumors.- Cancerogenic Effects of Radiation.- Carcinogenic Effects of Radiation - Introduction.- Defective DNA Repair and Cancer.- Experimental Ultraviolet Carcinogenesis.- Sunlight and Melanomas.- Cutaneous Carcinogenic Effects of Sunlight in Humans.- Role of DNA Repair in Physical, Chemical and Viral Carcinogenesis.- Light and Development.- Control of Chloroplast Development and Chlorophyll Synthesis by Phytochrome.- Progress Toward an Understanding of the Molecular Mode of Action of Phytochrome.- Phototransformations of Phytochrome.- Biogenesis of Chloroplast Membranes in Algae.- Light-Induced Cytochrome Reduction in Neurospora Crassa Membrane Fractions.- Light Induced Degeneration of Skin: Chronic Actinic Dermatosis.- Studies on the Pathomechanics of Chronic Actinic Dermatosis.- Clinical Pattern of the Actinic Chronic Dermatosis.- Distribution and General Factors Causing Chronic Actinic Dermatosis.- Environment-Space Interactions: Photobiological Implications.- Introductory Remarks.- The Stratospheric Photochemistry of Chlorine Compounds and its Influence on the Ozone Layer.- The Effects of Solar UV-B Radiation (280-315 nm) on Higher Plants: Implications of stratospheric Ozone Reduction.- Epidemiology of Malignant Melanoma of the Skin in Norway with Special Reference to the Effect of Solar Radiation.- Estimating the Increase in Skin Cancer Caused by Increases in Ultraviolet Radiation.- Vision.- MSP Measurements of Rod and Cone Visual Pigments in a Retina (Scardinius Erythrophthalmus) that can be either Vitamin A1 - or Vitamin A2-Based.- The Ionochromic Behavior of Gecko Visual Pigments.- Membrane Adaptations of Visual Photoreceptors for the Analysis of Plane-Polarized Light.- Dynamic Aspects of the Molecular Architecture of Photoreceptor Membranes.- The Photochemistry of Rhodopsin Excited in the 280 nm (?) Band.- Degenerations of the Retina Induced by Light.- Mutagenic Effects of Radiation.- Mutagenic Repair Pathways in Yeast.- Pathways of UV Repair and Mutagenesis in Saccharomyces Cerevisiae.- Mitochondrial Mutagenesis by 2-6-Diaminopurine in Saccharomyces Cerevisiae: Effect of UV Light.- On the Molecular Mechanism of Mutagenesis by Carcinogenic Mutagens.- Chromosome Effects Induced by Low Levels of Mutagens.- Round Tables.- Units, Nomenclature and Dosimetry in Photobiology.- Protection from UV and Visible Radiations.- Topical Photoprotection of Normal Skin.- Photochemotherapy (PUVA) of Psoriasis.- Photobiology and Education.- Author Index.
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