Recuperação de pomar de cupuaçuzeiro com histórico de alta infestação da doença vassoura-de-bruxa em Roraima

The objective of this work is to report an experience done in the agricultural property whereintegrated management measures was adopted in a witches’ broom infested cupuassu treeorchard, aiming at reducing the incidence and severity of the disease and recovering a cropproductivity. In the cupuacuzeiro orchard, located in the municipality of Rorainopolis/RR, therewere plants presenting varying severity of witches’ broom. Drastic pruning, phytosanitarypruning and the remotion of some plants in the area was done to increase spacing. From 2013to 2015, a fertilization of the plants was carried out based on soil analysis, removal of broomsand application of Bordeaux paste. The pruning wastes were buried. In April 2017, there werea reduction of 97% in incidence and of 70% until 100% in severity of disease, resulting in arecovery of production, demonstrating the importance of integrated management for the crop,being the results disseminated to farmers, technicians and students.
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