Journal club. Cerebrovascular diseases: morbidity, mortality, risk factors, diagnostics and treatment

A journal club is educational event where individuals meet regularly to critically evaluate recent articles in the scientific literature, generally any branch of science. Every participant of a journal club can take part in the debate and discussion. Journal clubs help people to learn and improve their critical appraisal skills and the ability to apply new knowledge [Esisi M., 2007; Swift G., 2004; Milbrandt E.B., Vincent J.L., 2004].  Journal clubs have often been cited as a bridge between research and practice [Kleinpell R.M., 2002]. Participants often differ widely in experience, knowledge and skills. An important role in this event plays a leader or chairman of a journal club [Esisi M., 2007]. One of these leaders in the field of neurology is the Head of the Department of Neurology and Reflexology, Shupyk National Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, Prof. Natalia Svyrydova, who organized the first neurological journal club in Ukraine, which took place in the department of Neurology and Reflexology on June 30, 2016. Several modern European and American neurological articles were presented at the journal club. We present three articles related to cerebrovascular diseases: Fisher S. Primer on Diagnoses and Treatment of Symptomatic Neurogenic Orthostatic Hypotension. East European Journal of Parkinson’s Disease and Movement Disorders. 2015;1(1):45-53. Jolink WM, Klijn CJ, Brouwers PJ et al. Time trends in incidence, case fatality, and mortality of intracerebral hemorrhage. Neurology. 2015;85(15):1318-1324. Shah RS, Cole JW. Smoking and stroke: the more you smoke the more you stroke. Expert review of cardiovascular therapy. 2010;8(7);917-932. The journal club aroused great interest among practicing neurologists and staff of the Department of Neurology and Reflexology. Considering the popularity of the journal club, it was decided to hold this event on a regular basis.
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