Penerapan Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe NHTDisertai Kuis Terhadap Aktivitas dan Hasil Belajar Matematika Siswa Kelas X SMAN 1 Linggo Sari Baganti

Abstract There search problemis thelack of activityand poor learning out comes students' mathematics learningin class X SMAN I Linggo Sari Baganti . Appropriate strategies todeal with that kind of strategy Learning Numbered Head Together with quiz . The aim of thestudy is to examinehow the development of learning activities and the results of students' mathematics learning in class X SMAN I Linggo Sari Baganti with using this type of strategy Numbered Head Together Learning Learning is better than ordinary learning . This type of research is eksperimenta . Population is all of the students in class X SMAN I Linggo Sari Baganti . Samples X.2 as experimental class and X.6 as the control class . Based on the analysis of data and t_hitung=2.98 , t_table=2:00. The conclusion isthat the development ofan excellent student learning activities and learning out comes math class X of SMAN I Linggo Sari Baganti by applying Numbered Head Together is better than the usual learning . Keywords – Learning, mathematics, Numbered Head Together, quiz
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