Carcass and Meat Quality of ewe Lambs Supplemented With Crude Glycerin in Different Finishing Systems

O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar as caracteristicas de desempenho, carcaca e qualidade da carne de borregas terminadas em dois sistemas: com suas maes no sistema de creep feeding e confinadas apos o desmame. Dezesseis borregas mesticas Texel x Hampshire Down foram divididas em dois tratamentos: borregas com suas maes, alimentadas em creep feed ou desmamadas e confinadas. A dieta oferecida aos dois tratamentos consistiu em 420 g kg-1 de volumoso (cana-de-acucar) e 580 g kg-1 de concentrado, com adicao de 70 g kg-1 de glicerina bruta na materia seca da dieta. Amostras de sangue foram coletadas no inicio e no final do periodo experimental para avaliar a glicemia. Os animais foram abatidos quando atingiram peso vivo medio de 28 kg. Os animais terminados no sistema creep feeding apresentaram maior nivel de glicose plasmatica. Os valores medios obtidos para as caracteristicas de peso e rendimento de carcaca foram maiores para os animais criados no sistema creep feeding. Em geral, as variaveis de composicao quimica e caracteristicas da carne dos animais nao diferiram entre os sistemas de terminacao, exceto o valor do pH e a capacidade de retencao de agua. As caracteristicas de desempenho e qualidade da carne de borregas terminadas nos sistemas avaliados foram semelhantes, e as borregas terminadas no sistema creep feeding tiveram carcacas mais pesadas do que as terminadas nos sistemas de confinamento.   Palavras-chave: Ganho de peso. Ovinos. Rendimento de carcaca. Subproduto.   Abstract The objective of this study was to evaluate the performance, carcass and meat quality traits of ewe lambs finished in two systems: with their mothers in a creep feeding system and early weaning followed by feedlot. Sixteen Texel × Hampshire Down crossbred ewe lambs were separated into two treatment groups, consisting of ewe lambs with their mothers, fed by creep feeding or weaned and confined. The diet offered to both treatments consisted of 420 g kg-1 of roughage (sugar cane) and 580 g kg-1 concentrate, with the addition of 70 g kg-1 of crude glycerin in the dry matter of the diet. Blood samples were collected at the beginning and end of the experimental period to measure plasma glucose content. The animals were slaughtered when they reached an average of 28 kg live weight. Animals finished in creep feeding systems had a higher amount of plasma glucose. The mean values obtained for weight and yield carcass characteristics were better in creep feeding. In general, the chemical composition and meat quality variables did not differ between the finishing systems, except for the pH value and water loss under pressure. The performance and meat quality traits of ewe lambs in the evaluated finishing systems were similar, and the ewe lambs in the creep feeding system had greater carcass weight than ewe lambs finishing in feedlot systems.   Keywords: Byproducts. Carcass Yield. Sheep. Weight Gain.
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