Analysis on Urbanization and the Spatial Differentiation and Flow of the Migrant Workers in Wenchuan Earthquake-stricken Regions

Based on analyzing the statistical data of urban population and migrant workers of 1 271 towns within 51 counties(cities,districts) in Wenchuan earthquake-stricken regions,we found that the urban population is small and urbanization level is too low(only 19.8%),which is even 24.1 points lower than the national urbanization level of the corresponding time period;in addition to this,urbanization is still in an early development stage,and the spatial variance of urbanization level is large;low degree urbanization regions account for more than 78%,while the urbanization level in regions inhabited by ethnic groups is even lower.However,the number of migrant workers in the disaster areas reaches 3 593 100,which is account for one fifth of the total population.According to the different ratio of migrant workers in each town,the spatial distribution of migrant workers in the disaster regions can be divided into five categories,they are high outward areas,slightly high areas,medium outward areas,slightly low areas,and low outward areas,which present the spatial distribution characteristics that the number of migrant workers to other provinces is larger than that to other counties in Sichuan province;the number in plane areas is larger than that in hilly regions;relatively developed regions larger than developing areas;densely populated areas larger than sparsely populated regions;high urbanized regions larger than the low urbanized areas,and regions inhabited by Han nationality larger than regions inhabited by ethnic groups.Through analyzing the flow of migrant workers from the disaster areas by synthesis,we found that they mainly congregate in Guangdong,Zhejiang,Shanghai and other developed coastal areas as well as resource-rich regions such as Shanxi,Xinjiang et al.In order to elevate the urbanization level in disaster-stricken areas,it is worthwhile to speed up the redevelopment planning of urban and rural areas,promote the localization of migrant workers within the disaster areas,transfer victims into city residents,increase the labor services export of disaster victims,expand victims employment using multi-approaches,establish the labor export market in disaster areas,and identify the key areas for labor input.
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