Ensinando matemática: construção de uma consciência financeira

Este trabalho apresenta um relato de experiencia do projeto de extensao universitaria “Ensinando Matematica: Construcao de uma Consciencia Financeira”, que foi realizado na cidade de Bambui – MG, com a promocao do Instituto Federal de Ciencia e Tecnologia, sobre a orientacao de uma professora e tres alunos, sendo um bolsista. O projeto foi desenvolvido com alunos do Ensino Medio de duas escolas da cidade, em cinco encontros semanais, com o desenvolvimento de dinâmicas em paralelo, as quais atrelaram os conceitos teoricos com a vivencia dos alunos. A partir do quarto modulo, os discentes mostraram evolucao referente ao senso critico, buscando informar-se melhor acerca da realidade do assunto e conseguiram observar aplicacoes nos proprios cotidianos. Apos a consumacao dos modulos, os alunos passaram a entender a matematica financeira e suas inumeras aplicacoes e consequencias economicas perante decisoes erroneas. Mediante este relato, objetiva-se que essa experiencia possa ser difundida, pois permitiu o crescimento dos envolvidos em termos conceituais diante do aprofundamento do conteudo ja visto nas aulas tradicionais: ensinando a matematica de maneira pratica, contemporânea e contextualizada. Palavras-chave: Consciencia financeira. Projeto de extensao. Contextualizacao da matematica. Abstract Teaching math: building financial awareness This work presents an experience report on the project of university extension “Teaching Math: building financial awareness”. It which was held in the city of Bambui, MG, Brazil municipality, promoted by the Federal Institute of Science and Technology under the supervising of a professor and three students, one of them receiving a scholarship. The project was developed with high school students from two schools in the city, in five weekly meetings, with the development of parallel dynamics, which linked the theoretical concepts with the students' experience. The project was developed with high school students from two schools in the city, in five weekly meetings, with the development of parallel dynamics, which linked the theoretical concepts with the students' experience. From the fourth module, the students showed evolution regarding the critical sense, seeking to know more about the reality of the subject and managed to observe applications in the daily ones. After completion of the modules, students came to understand financial mathematics and its many applications and economic consequences in the face of erroneous decisions. Through this report, it is intended that this experience can be diffused, since it allowed the growth of those involved in conceptual terms before the deepening of the content already seen in traditional classes: teaching mathematics in a practical, contemporary and contextualized way. Keywords: Financial awareness. Extension project. Contextualizing Math.
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