Visible photostability of some ruthenium and platinum phthalocyanines in water and in the presence of organic substrates

Water-soluble, metal-tetrasubstituted phthalocyanines (-SO3H, MPcS and -COOH, MPcC) of platinum and ruthenium were synthesized and their photostability to visible light irradiation was determined. For the ruthenium phthalocyanines, the characteristic visible Q band of the phthalocyanines was almost totally suppressed after five days of irradiation. The platinum derivatives were instead more resistant to photodegradation, and the Q band did not decrease by more than 25%. The addition of carbonyl compounds to the phthalocyanine solution in water (at concentrations at least 1400-fold those of the phthalocyanines) dramatically accelerated the photobleaching of these phthalocyanine complexes. PtPcS turned from blue to green and to colorless with one day of visible-light irradiation in the presence of acetone. This effect decreased with the increase in molecular weight of the ketones (from acetone to 2-pentanone). The addition of alcohols (i.e. 1-butanol) or other organics (i.e. phenylacetic acid) did not affec...
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