Sığırlarda farklı klinik olgularda saptanan Bovine Herpes Virus Tip 4 (BoHV-4) suşlarının antijenik ve moleküler karakterizasyonu

Bovine Herpes Virus Tip 4 (BoHV-4) sigirlarda fertilite ve respiratorik sistem problemlerine, mastitis, dermatitis, konjunktivitis gibi semptomlara neden olan ve sigir yetistiriciligi acisindan onemli ekonomik kayiplara yol acan bir etkendir.Ulkemizde BoHV-4 varligina iliskin olarak yalnizca fertilite problemleri uzerine sinirli sayida calisma bulunmaktadir. Planlanan bu calismada ise, ulkemizde farkli klinik olgularda (solunum sistemi enfeksiyonu, mastitis, dermatitis, abort) etiyolojik ajan olarak serolojik ve virolojik olarak arastirilmasi;   arastirma suresince elde edilen BoHV-4 saha suslarinin ozellikle doku tropismusunda onemli olan gB gen bolgesi hedef alinarak dizin analizlerinin yapilmasi ve suslar arasinda genetik duzeyde benzerlikler/farkliliklarin belirlenmesi ile izole edilen suslarin antijenik ozelliklerinin ortaya konmasi hedeflenmistir.Bu amacla, Anabilim Dalimiz laboratuvarina 20.10.2009-12.04.2012 tarihleri arasinda gelen, 25 farkli farkli isletmede bulunan toplam 571 hayvana ait serum ornekleri ELISA, 315 hayvana ait virolojik kontrol ornekleri (93 nasal swap, 140 vajinal swap, 59 lokosit, 5 sut ornegi ve 62 hayvana ait 187 organ materyali (43 akciger, 45 karaciger, 51 dalak, 39 beyin, 6 bobrek, 1 lenf yumrusu, 1 plasenta, 1 kotiledon)  BoHV-4 varligi yonunden gB PCR ile incelenmistir.  Kontrol edilen kan serum orneklerinin %34.1 i (195/571) BoHV-4 spesifik antikor varligi yonunden pozitif olarak degerlendirilmistir. Virolojik kontrol amaciyla orneklenen hayvanlarin ise %45.1 i (142/315) BoHV-4 nukleik asiti yonunden pozitif olarak bulunmustur. Bu materyallerin duyarli hucre kulturunde virus izolasyon calismasi sonrasinda,bir nasal swap ve bir beyin orneginden BoHV-4 izolasyonu da gerceklestirilmistir. BoHV-4 nukleik asiti  yonunden pozitif olarak degerlendirilen ornekler, gB 136bp ve gB 615bp gen bolgeleri duzeyinde dizin analizine alinmis ve farkli semptomlarda pozitif olarak belirlenen orneklerin filogenileri karsilastirmali olarak degerlendirilmistir. SummaryBovine herpes virus type 4 (BoHV-4) causes problems of fertility and respiratory systems; symptoms like mastitis, dermatitis and conjunctivitis and therefore it is an agent that leads to important economic loss in cattle breeding.            There are limited number of studies on BoHV-4 concerning only its effect on fertility problems in our country. In this study that we plan to investigate BoHV-4 virologically and serologically as an infectious agent in different clinical cases; sequence BoHV-4 field strains by targetting the gB gene region which is proven to have important role in tissue tropism and determine the antigenic characteristics of the isolated strains by comparing differences/resemblences genetically.            For this purpose, we processed samples that were administered to our Laboratory from 25 different holdings between 20.10.2009-12.04.2012 totally 571 different animal sera by ELISA and 315 different animal samples [95 nasal swabs, 140 vaginal swabs, 59 leukocytes, 5 milk samples, 187 organ materials from 62 animals (43 lungs, 45 livers, 51 spleens, 39 brains, 1 lymph node, 1 plasenta, 1 cotyledon )]  virologically by PCR for gB. We evaluated 34.1% of the blood samples (195/571) positive for BoHV-4 spesific antibodies. The samples for virological investigation were 45.1% (142/315) positive for BoHV-4 nucleic acid. PCR (+) samples were inoculated in cell cultures and BoHV-4 was isolated from a nasal swab and a brain sample. The samples that were positive for BoHV-4 nucleic acid sequenced for gB 136bp and gB 615bp gene regions and a comparative phylogenetic analysis were made from cases those positive with different symptoms.
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