Los citostaticos son farmacos utilizados en el tratamiento de enfermedades neoplasicas, se clasifican como  mutagenicos, teratogenicos y carcinogenicos. La Unidad Centralizada de mezclas intravenosas citostaticas, perteneciente al servicio de farmacia, es el lugar donde se elabora, dispensan y controla las mezclas intravenosas citostaticas, se asegura la calidad del producto elaborado y ofrece ventajas terapeuticas, tecnicas y economicas, garantizando la composicion, estabilidad, la seguridad del personal y la prevencion de la contaminacion ambiental, se cumple con las buenas practicas de manufactura. Se plantea este estudio con el objetivo de determinar el beneficio para los pacientes y el ahorro monetario que representa, la deteccion de posibles errores y la centralizacion de las mezclas citostaticas. Se diseno un estudio descriptivo con un analisis monetario y de pacientes beneficiados, al ser tratados con ocho medicamentos de alto costo al centralizar y validar las ordenes medicas aplicando las buenas practicas de manufactura en la elaboracion de mezclas citostaticas. Se revisaron las estadisticas del 2014 de la unidad centralizada del servicio de farmacia y los precios de venta de la empresa nacional distribuidora. Se recibieron en la Unidad Centralizada un total de 15 468 ordenes medicas y se elaboraron 25 092 preparaciones. Se recupero un total de 184 294,46 pesos en moneda nacional, que permitio incluir y garantizar el ciclo de tratamiento a 318 pacientes con diferentes esquemas y localizaciones oncologicas. Se evitaron 533 errores con predomino de los errores por omision, por lo que se logro un ahorro de dinero con un beneficio en los pacientes oncologicos que demandaron terapia intravenosa, tanto por la centralizacion, como por la deteccion oportuna de los errores por el farmaceutico. Palabras Clave: tratamiento del cancer; validacion farmaceutica; errores de medicacion, preparacion de mezclas citostaticas. -------------------------------------------- Cytostatics are drugs used to treat neoplastic diseases which can be classified as mutagenic, tetarogenic and carcinogenic. The Centralized Unit in charge of the intravenous cytostatic mixtures, which belongs to the pharmacy service, is the place where the intravenous cytostatic mixtures are elaborated, given and controlled. It offers technical, economic and therapeutic advantages because it guarantees the stability and composition of the medication provided, it ensures the safety of the people who work there, it avoids environmental pollution and people who work there follow the right procedures in elaborating the mixtures. He/she thinks about this study with the objective of determine the benefits for the patients and how this unit saves money, the detection of possible errors and the centralization of cytostatic mixtures. A descriptive study is designed with a monetary analysis related to patients who benefit from being treated with eight types of medication which are very expensive when centralizing and validating the medical prescriptions applying good methods in manufacturing the cytostatic mixtures. The statistics of the Centralized Unit of the Pharmacological Service and the selling prices of the national distributing company are analyzed throughout the year 2014. During this stage 15 468 medical prescriptions were received in the Centralized Unit of Cytostatic Mixtures and 25 092 medications were elaborated. 184 294, 46 Cuban pesos were saved allowing the inclusion of 318 patients and guarantying their treatment. 533 errors were avoided mostly some that could have been made for omitting data, for what was achieved for what a some money was saved and oncology patients who needed an intravenous therapy benefited from this due to the centralization and the errors were detected by the pharmacist on time.   Keywords:  cancer treatment, pharmaceutical validation, medication errors, preparation of cytostatic mixtures.
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