Disequilibrium and risk of falling in the elderly is a priority for health services.

The prevention of falls among the elderly is one important public health issue in our aging society. Falls may cause a great deterioration in health among older adults because lead to loss of independence, worsening of quality of life and premature mortality. Epidemiological data show an heavy impact of falls and its consequences on morbidity and mortality. Within a year, more than 30% of persons living in their own homes and more than 50% of persons living in care homes experience at least one fall. One of the main determining factors in the risk of falling in the elderly population is represented by the aging of the vestibular system which exposes these people to a particular vulnerability. The high prevalence, morbidity and mortality, the high use of individual and social resources, the intrinsic complexity of the pathology, make it a major public health problem. We recommend the implementation of protocols for the identification of potential subjects at risk of falling, shared between the clinicians involved in the problem, renewing the importance of the figure of the expert in balance problems as a constant ally of the geriatrician in the management strategy for the patients in this age of life.
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