Prenatal Hypoxia Ischemia Increases Male Rat Sexual Behavior

Abstract Introduction Research consistently indicates an association between prenatal hypoxia-ischemia (HI) and mortality and chronic neurological diseases in newborns. HI can cause permanent effects, including mental retardation, motor impairment, learning disabilities, epilepsy, and cerebral palsy. Moreover, little is known about the relationship between HI and sexual behavior. Aims The aims of this study are to examine whether HI is associated with changes in sexual behavior. Methods HI was induced by clamping the uterine arteries of pregnant rats. The arteries were clamped for 45 minutes on the 18th day of gestation (HI group). Shams received laparotomy and anesthesia only. Pups were born at term. At 90 days of age, sexual behavior was evaluated. Statistical analysis was performed using two-way analysis of variance and post hoc Bonferonni correction. Main Outcome Measures The main outcome measures of sexual response were standard sexual behavior, homosexual behavior, and sexual attempt on nonreceptive females. Results The stimulatory effect of HI on male rat sexual behavior has been shown in various experimental models; these animals showed reduced mount, intromission and ejaculation latencies; increased copulatory efficiency; and homosexual mounting. Additionally, there was an increase in fighting in trying to mount an unreceptive female. Conclusion Our results indicate that HI had a long-term effect on sexual behavior despite exhibiting motor skill impairment. Accordingly, injuries during the fetal period may cause behavioral problems in adulthood. Ferraz MMD, Sab IM, Silva MA, Santos DAS, and Ferraz MR. Prenatal hypoxia ischemia increases male rat sexual behavior.
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