Identyfikacja zmian zwierciadła wód podziemnych wskutek presji antropogenicznej w regionie wodnym Warty

IDENTIFICATION OF GROUNDWATER LEVEL CHANGES DUE TO ANTHROPOPRESSION IN THE WARTA WATER REGION Abstract. The article is based on the report of Hydroconsult Sp. z o.o. (Dąbrowski et al ., 2004). The paper presents the results of anthropogenic pressure on groundwater reservoirs, identified in Cenozoic and Mesozoic formations of the Warta Water Region within the area of ca. 50,000 km 2 . The analysed anthropopression refers mainly to the exploitation of groundwater intakes, mine dewatering of brown coal outcrops and reservoir constructions. Identification of anthropogenic changes in groundwater levels within the Quaternary, Tertiary and Mesozoic groundwater reservoirs was preceded by the identification and characterization of natural groundwater table oscillations based upon the national and local groundwater monitoring data.
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