Antivacina, fosfoetanolamina e Mineral Miracle Solution (MMS): mapeamento de fake sciences ligadas à saúde no Facebook

From a multi-method approach based on qualitative research of non-participant observation, content  analysis and snowballing techniques with algorithmic recommendation, the purpose of this article is  to map the circulation of three scientifi information disputes related to health on pages and groups on  Facebook – anti-vaccine movement, phosphoethanolamine and Mineral Miracle Solution (MMS). The  results point to a fild of dispute in which scientifi authority is a relevant value in these spaces, being  repeatedly used as a sign of convincing the public. Still, fake sciences are a fild of dispute that involve  1) commercial interests around the belief in quick and alternative solutions, 2) legal implications around  the discourse for the right to information and access to the alternative treatments, 3) system of reputation  in the search for intersection in the formulation of policies and the allocation of public resources and 4)  a disbelief in epistemic institutions, making subjects believe only in individual experiences based on the  testimony discourse.
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