The interest of the doctors at clinical hospital centre in Zemun for publication of results of their work

The goal of this work is to make an inquiry about the interest of doctors at Clinical Hospital Centre Zemun in publishing the results of their own work. Researchers in biomedical sciences as well as all members of medical profession must publish works for two reasons: the development of medical science and their professional carrier. In the low developed countries and countries of scientific periphery like our country, publishing in biomedical journals is on very low level. Ethical principles of Good scientific and clinical practice regulate not only standards for researching but also the obligations of publishing the results of work. Attainders of seminar (n=49) named "Medicine and Publishing - How?" held in CHC Zemun, Belgrade on 21st April 2005. were given prepared questionnaire with eight questions divided into two groups. For each question there are several answers offered and the interviewee were to circle the wished answer. Number of offered answers to certain questions is expressed in percentage related to number of interviewees who gave the answers to required questions. All attainders of seminar (n=49) have filled the questionnaire. On question " Do you write expert works?" 32 (46.96%) out of 48 who answered that question said YES and on the question "Where have you published your articles in the last two years?" answers were not given by 17 interviewees (38.64 %). While giving answers to the question " Is the expert literature available to you?" 27 (56.25%) people have chosen answer "partially" and on the question about motivation 17 (43.69%) people questioned did not give answers and 14 (43.75 %) have chosen the answer "I am not motivated." We reckon that the motivation of the doctors who were questioned is insufficient. By continuous exchange of knowledge about publishing and by focusing aims of scientific and researching work we can influence the motivation of doctors at CHC Zemun a lot to start doing a research scientific work and publish the results of their work.
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