Solubility of neurofibrillary tangles and ultrastructure of paired helical filaments in sodium dodecylsulphate.

Temporal cortex from 14 cases of Alzheimer-type dementia and 6 cases of Down's syndrome, all selected for severe Alzheimer pathology, was homogenised in distilled water, NaOH, or sodium dodecylsulphate (SDS) containing 0.1% β-mercaptoethanol. The homogenates were stained with Congo red, and the neurofibrillary tangles and plaque cores were counted under crossed-polarisation microscopy. The number of tangles and plaque cores in the water-treated extracts was not related to age, sex, postmortem interval or duration of dementia. The number of tangles after extraction in SDS or NaOH, as a percentage of tangles in water-treated extracts, was 57±25 (mean±SD) for 1% SDS, 43±17 for 5% SDS and 37±22 for 0.2 M NaOH. Plaque cores were essentially insoluble in all three agents. The percentage of tangles insoluble in 1% SDS did not correlated with age or post-mortem interval but decreased with increasing duration of dementia. Enhanced tangle solubility with increasing duration of dementia suggests that the nature of tangles changes with time; one possibility is that this reflects transformation of intracellular to extracellular tangles. Paired helical filament (PHF) length and the number of repeats per PHF were measured in electron micrographs of PHF prepared with and without treatment by 1% SDS. There was no significant multimodality of PHF length to suggest that PHF broke at regular intervals. The mean repeat length (PHF length/number of repeats) was greater for PHF isolated in the presence of 1% SDS than in its absence, showing that SDS affects ultrastructure by untwisting PHF. An untwisting process may also occur in vivo producing the straight filaments found, together with PHF, in tangles and neurites.
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