The façades in the traditional rural constructions and their study through the documentary sources: application to the house of principles of XX century in the region of Paradanta (Pontevedra, Spain)

The basic type of the buildings in the so-called vernacular architecture, typical of each area or subarea, has to be established through a process of analysis and synthesis of the greatest possible number of buildings (Garcia Grinda, 1990). When dealing with the analysis of the contemporary traditional rural buildings, nowadays the necessity arises of looking for valid documentary sources to complete the compulsory field evaluation of the typological resources of the landscape (Rivera 1992). This type of documentary sources is specially useful when you need to analyse a high number of buildings in areas of disperse construction, where the fields study would imply a high cost (Ortiz 1999). Among the documentary sources we can highlight the cadaster inventories, owing to the great amount of information they provide. Of all the cadasters made unti1 today in our country, we have used in this study the «Libretas de campo de aparejadores» (technica1 architects field notebooks ) which were made in all the parishes of Galicia in 1920 and which were used for the subsequent tax register of buiJdings and lands. The aim of this paper is to show the information these field notebooks provide and also the possibilities they offer when having to analyse the earlier XX century traditional rural buildings in our country. B. Cortes Redin J. Ortiz Sanz 1. Canas Guerrero T. Rego Sanmartin
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