Altered expression of CYP in TSOD mice: a model of type 2 diabetes and obesity

To investigate the pharmacokinetic characteristics in TSOD (Tsumura, Suzuki, obese, diabetes) mice, a model of type 2 diabetes and obesity, the expressions of major hepatic CYP enzymes in TSOD and TSNO (Tsumura, Suzuki, non-obesity; control) mice were compared.The 7-month-old TSOD mice, which represented severe obesity/diabetes-related pathophysiology, showed higher expressions of Cyp2c and Cyp3a compared with TSNO mice, while those of Cyp1a and Cyp2e were lower. Cyp3a metabolic activity was also higher in TSOD mice.In the 7-month-old liver, pregnane X receptor (PXR) (nuclear receptor) and peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-gamma coactivator-1alpha (PGC-1alpha) (cofactor) mRNA expression were higher in TSOD mice, possibly playing a role in the altered expression of Cyp3a.This specifically altered CYP expression in TSOD mice suggests that the biotransformation of drugs metabolized by these CYP enzymes differs from that in normal animals. Based on these findings, further investigation on the relatio...
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