Szanse i ograniczenia w realizacji programów rewitalizacji obszarów wiejskich województwa małopolskiego

The subject of the present article are revitalisation programmes submitted for implementation by municipal territorial self-government units in Malopolskie voivodeship in the years 2015–2016. The aim of the paper is the assessment of revitalisation assumptions and definition of their implementation possibilities in the context of ever-present socio-economic problems of rural areas in particular regions of Malopolskie voivodeship. In addition, the paper concentrates on showing the socio-economic needs of villages of Malopolskie voivodeship and their wide diversity in the region, discussing various constraints that may weaken the effectiveness of the revitalisation programs under implementation. The aim of the paper was accomplished through the analysis of the documents that constitute the basis for the implementation of revitalisation programmes, and the presentation of the diversity of socio-economic development of rural municipalities using ratio analysis, as well as carrying out the typology of rural areas of the region. The key issue of a large part of villages of Malopolskie voivodeship is their low economic efficiency resulting from high registered and hidden unemployment, low non-agricultural activity of residents, or decreasing land-use efficiency. Many areas are characterised by progressive exclusion from development and inability to use their resources as a basis for good local economy. Much attention has been paid to the effectiveness of the revitalisation programme in resolving rural problems which, in the authors’ opinion, is mainly related to obtaining broad support from the residents and local entrepreneurs, local self-government involvement, followed by adequate support from the municipalities through actions at the regional level, as well as greater flexibility of these programmes, both with regard to the aim of revitalisation and the location of tasks within the municipality. Actions related to this programme should significantly improve these areas of needs of residents. They should also limit the existing peripherality of many villages, visible in remoteness and difficult access not only to larger socio-economic centers but also to today’s information gathering methods, and contact with culture and knowledge, necessary for building strong social ties and civilisation development.
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