[Calcifying giant-cell Sertoli tumor: description of a case with atypical echographic presentation].

Large cell calcifying Sertoli cell tumor of the testis is an extremely rare type of sex cord tumor with low malignant potential that occurs in the first and second ecades of life. Twenty-eight cases have been reported in the literature and, to our knowledge, only 2 had an aggressive behaviour. Patient age, tumor size, histological malignant patterns such as pleomorphism and high mitotic rate seem to heavy influence the future neoplasm malignancy. Ultrasonography imaging of the large cell calcifying has described in only 6 cases. We report an experience with a large cell calcifying Seroli cell tumor of the testis and point out the unusual sonographic findings. Moreover, if histologic examination suggests no malignant features, we suggest local excision as ideal therapy for the preservation of testicular parenchyma.
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