Biomolecule-nanoparticle hybrid systems for bioelectronic applications.

Abstract Recent advances in nanobiotechnology involve the use of biomolecule–nanoparticle (NP) hybrid systems for bioelectronic applications. This is exemplified by the electrical contacting of redox enzymes by means of Au-NPs. The enzymes, glucose oxidase, GOx, and glucose dehydrogenase, GDH, are electrically contacted with the electrodes by the reconstitution of the corresponding apo-proteins on flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD) or pyrroloquinoline quinone (PQQ)-functionalized Au-NPs (1.4 nm) associated with electrodes, respectively. Similarly, Au-NPs integrated into polyaniline in a micro-rod configuration associated with electrodes provides a high surface area matrix with superior charge transport properties for the effective electrical contacting of GOx with the electrode. A different application of biomolecule–Au-NP hybrids for bioelectronics involves the use of Au-NPs as carriers for a nucleic acid that is composed of hemin/G-quadruplex DNAzyme units and a detecting segment complementary to the analyte DNA. The functionalized Au-NPs are employed for the amplified DNA detection, and for the analysis of telomerase activity in cancer cells, using chemiluminescence as a readout signal. Biomolecule–semiconductor NP hybrid systems are used for the development of photoelectrochemical sensors and optoelectronic systems. A hybrid system consisting of acetylcholine esterase (AChE)/CdS–NPs is immobilized in a monolayer configuration on an electrode. The photocurrent generated by the system in the presence of thioacetylcholine as substrate provides a means to probe the AChE activity. The blocking of the photocurrent by 1,5-bis(4-allyldimethyl ammonium phenyl)pentane-3-one dibromide as nerve gas analog enables the photoelectrochemical analysis of AChE inhibitors. Also, the association CdS–NP/double-stranded DNA hybrid systems with a Au-electrode, and the intercalation of methylene blue into the double-stranded DNA, generates an organized nanostructure of switchable photoelectrochemical functions. Electrochemical reduction of the intercalator to the leuco form, −0.4 V vs. SCE, results in a cathodic photocurrent as a result of the transfer of photoexcited conduction-band electrons to O 2 and the transport of electrons to the valance-band holes by the reduced intercalator units. The oxidation of the intercalator, E 0 V (vs. SCE), yields in the presence of triethanolamine, TEOA, as sacrificial electron donor, an anodic photocurrent by the transport of conduction-band electrons, through intercalator units, to the electrodes, and filling the valance-band holes with electrons supplied by TEOA. The systems reveal potential-switchable directions of the photocurrents, and reveal logic gate functions.
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