Parallel synthesis of alpha - hydroxy beta - amino amide containing peptidederivatives as structural analogues of Bestatin. oligonucleotide synthesis.

A solution - phase polyaniline - supported cobalt(ll) salen - catalyzed synthesis of libraries of a-hydroxy ,8-amino amide containing dipeptide derivatives was developed from N-cinnamoyl peptides as versatile synthon in parallel synthesis. These peptides are structural analogues of amino peptidase inhibitor bestatin.the ketone (16) in high yield.(I) leading to a novel methodology to the synthesis of a,a' -trans-dialkyl cyclic ethers (8). Keywords: Photosensitized electron transfer (PET), episelenonium radical cation, oxyselenylation, a,a' -trans-dialkyl cyclic ethers.been subjected to some kind of chemical or biological examination; thus vast majority of natural wealth remains unexplored. Studies on marine natural products initiated only recently have yielded molecules with exotic molecular architecture and diverse bioactivity. Well-directed research on natural products will enrich our bioresource base. In the current millennium, India is in a pre-eminent position to contribute towards natural product research with the utilization of its rich knowledge base and biodiversity.
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