Effects of drugs on ingestive behavior

The influence of chemicals on animal and human behavior has been intensely studied during the last ten years Apart from their use as tools in investigating mechamsms of behawor , chemicals have been mvesugated mainly for the purpose of developing drugs capable of influencing behavior ( 'behavioral pharmacology ' ) Other studies have been undertaken m the hope of recogmzmg pmsoning by behavioral changes This hope is based on medical observat ions m some types of chromc pmsomng m man, m which changes of mood or behavior may precede physical signs Experimental work m this field Is still recent and It has been stated correct ly (Dews, 1975) that 'behavioral pharmacology m general is bet ter developed than behavmral toxicology' and that 'behavioral toxicology ~s no more than embryonic so far as being a science ~s concerned ' If behavioral changes m experimental animals may be early warmng s~gns of chromc pmsomng, they should also prove useful m order to predict undesirable effects of drugs The purpose of this presentat ion ~s to suggest that changes of ingestive behavior which may be observed and measured fairly easily may p r o w d J hints concermng the type of action, desirable or undesirable," of chemicals which may become drugs, or endanger human health.
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