The effect of a training course on nursing students' attitudes toward, perceptions of, and confidence in managing patient aggression.

PaUent ~~ la a pnlblem In man, heaJth care settinp, end nuniq ltudenu are amfmI the lamt vul. --bie to aperI8Ddnr 8udi ..-km. ~ ~ haft ~ ~. to help DUrM8 ))etter ~ patient ..-Jon. 8uch ~ can lead to dIanaes In aWtudei toward aDd ~ ot, u _n Urreater conftdeum In l118"'II"&. aar-ion. In thia quaat-aperimentalltud;J, we inV88tli.t.d die effect of a b'aining aJUrR 00 n~ ltudentl' aWtudes toward. perapti(m8 ot, end amft~ in manalin, patient ~. StudeDtI In the Inter'ftntion I"IUP ~ enhanced ~ but DO dlanpln aWtude after the b'ainiDI aRlrR, whlle .tudenta in the cootlol PWP ~~~ 8t8bIe 00 al1 m8UUl88. Tbe 8IMIIt time frame of tbe 8tudy, tbe tl'ainina ~ lt8elC, and tbe In8tl'uDleDt8 U8ed (or nKlDitoring aWtu~ aareI8Ion a ~le -. (or tj)ue ~ltI. We tentauvety ~ude tbat it ja p(8ible to enun~ 8u WbiUiDltOl1. ShuitleWGth. . Hill, 1996). Patient ~ can eau. iJVurt.. aud1 u 1-.tiGII8, bn1jeinI (Biz . Seymour, 1988), and baad iJVurie8 (Carmel . Bunter, 1993; Lanaa, K8YM, Bieb, .. MiJner, 1991), cw can Pvyoke VarlOUI ~<8ooial8equelM, 8UdI u mental diltreu, teDIion, aDsietJ, bumout, ~umaUc ltN8I di8Order (HubldtDlid, 1996), and ~ ~ (Lansa -' al., 1991). Agr88ioD toward n~ can al8O dilrupt tbe fwICti~iDI of tbe bealth cue 8.Y8t8ID. u exemplifted by ltAff ~ ad ab8en~ (Rix, 1987) or Induatrial almpeD8atlcm (BeIIal8y et al., 1997). N~ In variCMI8 8UiDP are 8ubjected to hiP rat.of aaruaion. A ~t ~8leUonal 8Urv81 In SwitUl'land demoD8trated that ~ of nUnM workinI in paydtiabic -ttiDII falt. HriW81.Y threatened, and 7~ ftported belna aU.acked at leut. durIng hl.,u8fYaa;~-~~14.~ Or. ~ . H-' ~ ~ ~ ~ AppI8d
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