Reproductive behavior of the oil-collecting bee Epicharis dejeanii (Apidae: Centridini)

In solitary bees, monandry is common in several species. Post-copulation strategies exerted by males to prevent females from mating with other males are known and vary between species. We studied a population of Epicharis dejeanii(Centridini) analyzing the reproductive aspects. The average mating time and the behavior of the couples were observed. Males performed synchronized movements of the legs and antennae in addition to vibrations that generated a loud sound. The females remained static, starting movements with their legs to finish the mating after approximately 50 s. During the mating, the females’ sting was kept exposed. The males inserted the aedeagus into the female’s genital opening but kept out the genitalia. The male’s post-copulatory behavior seems to be performed simultaneously during mating.
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