Дуоденальное исследование при вирусном гепатите с

The purpose of the study: the study of motor-evacuative function of biliary tract in patients with chronic hepatitis C. 26 patients were examined at the age of 22 to 64 years diagnosed with chronic viral hepatitis C. The control group comprised 35 healthy individuals. All the patients had biochemical and serological study of blood, an assessment of virological parameters of the causative agent, fractional chromatic duodenal study with the study of bile, ultrasound, morphological study of the liver. Each patient received an informative agreed to participate in the study. In a survey of patients with chronic hepatitis C revealed significant changes of functional status of biliary tracttype gipertonusa gipomotornoy sphincter Oddi and gall bladder dysfunction, which makes clear the inevitability of a substantial deterioration in the quality of life of these patients. In patients chronic hepatitis C broken formation and allocation of bile and liver function in violation of the motor function of biliary tract, changes in physical-colloidal properties of bile, increases in education and the formation of biliary mikrolitov deficiency that should be taken into account in treatment.
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