In-field genetic stock identification of overwintering coho salmon in the Gulf of Alaska: Evaluation of Nanopore sequencing for remote real-time deployment

Abstract Genetic stock identification (GSI) by single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) sequencing has become the gold standard for stock identification in Pacific salmon, which are found in mixed-stocks during the oceanic phase of their lifecycle. Sequencing platforms currently applied require large batch sizes and multi-day processing in specialized facilities to perform genotyping by the thousands. However, recent advances in third-generation single-molecule sequencing platforms, like the Oxford Nanopore minION, provide base calling on portable, pocket-sized sequencers and hold promise for the application of real-time, in-field stock identification on variable batch sizes. Here we report and evaluate utility and comparability of at-sea stock identification of coho salmon Oncorhynchus kisutch based on targeted SNP amplicon sequencing on the minION platform during the International Year of the Salmon Signature Expedition to the Gulf of Alaska in the winter of 2019. Long read sequencers are not optimized for short amplicons, therefore we concatenate amplicons to increase coverage and throughput. Nanopore sequencing at-sea yielded stock assignment for 50 of the 80 assessed individuals. Nanopore-based SNP calls agreed with Ion Torrent based genotypes in 83.25%, but assignment of individuals to stock of origin only agreed in 61.5% of individuals highlighting inherent challenges of Nanopore sequencing, such as resolution of homopolymer tracts and indels. However, poor representation of assayed coho salmon in the queried baseline dataset contributed to poor assignment confidence on both platforms. Future improvements will focus on lowering turnaround time, accuracy, throughput, and cost, as well as augmentation of the existing baselines, specifically in stocks from coastal northern BC and Alaska. If successfully implemented, Nanopore sequencing will provide an alternative method to the large-scale laboratory approach. Genotyping by amplicon sequencing in the hands of diverse stakeholders could inform management decisions over a broad expanse of the coast by allowing the analysis of small batches in remote areas in near real-time.
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