Which methods and for which reasons will you choose the paid search and the commercial links, or the services of people specialized in the strategies of optimization of the search in SEO?

The creation of the website is becoming increasingly dense, the race to the top places in the results of search engines demonstrates a very active digital competition. Internet marketing is changing very rapidly and must continually adapt to the pace and evolution of technology, new ideas and the behavior of the consumer with nothing new. In this context, the focus is on the major trends in online marketing, which is expected to continue in one form or another for a long time to come. The optimization of the web strategy goes through two important elements of importance, the natural referencing (SEO) and the paid search (SEA), it is a set of techniques to optimize the visibility of a web page in the results of research. These techniques seek to improve the understanding of the theme and content of one or all pages of a website by the indexing robots, and increase the natural (organic) traffic of the site, which results generally to a better visibility of the company as well as an increase in turnover. Faced with such a rapid evolution, we can ask ourselves which of these techniques we should use to achieve the goal of optimizing our web strategy. SEO or paid? Why and how? Keyword (s): Methods, Reasons, Paid SEO, Sponsored Links, Optimization Strategies
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