From school to ... future: strategies, paths and perspectives of immigrant immediate descendants in Naples

The study subject presented here is the school inclusion process of immigrant immediate descendants enrolled in some middle schools of Naples. The research’s general objective was to study the immigrant immediate descendants integration and, in particular, to identify the determinants of the choice, once achieved the compulsory school title, to continue studies or enter the labour market by using a qualitative approach. In fact, it seemed interesting to study this transition phase, which is crucial for adolescents, because they are in constant evolution in terms of aspirations, constraints and opportunities. First results have shown how it is important to consider the simultaneous interconnections between several factors such as: the territorial context; the individual and family characteristics; the family migratory history; schools institution and educational policies on theme about intercultural education and pedagogy. We have seen how the interweaving between the weaknesses of each of the characteristics we mentioned above, could often define paths different from those imagined - by themself or by their families. These weaknesses are also cause of biographical shocks in the delicate transition from school to the future due to not understood, not supported, disincentive and obstructed aspirations.
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