Characteristic Properites of Hot Isostatically Pressed Ti-Fe Alloys

Static tensile properties of as HIP'ed Ti-Fe alloys using Hunter process sponge fines or hydride-dehidride Kroll process sponge fines were studied, and metallographic and fractographic observations were also carried out by the back scattered electron image and scanning electron microscope.Despite the low level of oxygen content, the HIP'ed Ti-4 Fe specimen using Hunter Process sponge fines as titanium source showed poorer ductility than the HIP'ed Ti-4 Fe specimen using hydride-dehydride Kroll process sponge fines of high oxygen content as titanium source, and brittle fracture appearance was observed in a part of the specimen using Hunter process sponge fines.All of the HIP'ed Ti-(2, 3, 4, 5) Fe specimens using hydride-dehydride Kroll process sponge fines showed the dimple pattern on the fracture surfaces after the tensile test.
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