Pharmacognostic and phytochemical investigation of the stem bark of Pistacia integerrima Stew ex Brandis

Pistacia integerrima, is a well known plant among Pakistani indigenous medicinal plants and used very commonly in the management of various diseases. In this research work the pharmacognostic profile, phytochemical and physicochemical parameters of the P. integerrima bark was carried out for standardization, quality, purity and sample identification. Macroscopic and microscopic characteristics as well as transverse section of the bark were studied. The bark contains various secondary metabolites such as alkaloids, tannins, flavonoids etc. The crude methanolic extract and its subsequent solvent fractions were tested for their phytochemical contents and physicochemical parameters such as ash values, moisture contents and extractive values. These pharmacognostic findings will be helpful for establishing parameters for the standardization, prevention from adulteration and identification of P. integerrima Stew ex Brandis bark used commonly in traditional medicine.   Key words: Pistacia Integerrima bark, pharmacognostic, phytochemical contents, physicochemical parameters and microscopy.
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