Trichomonas vaginalis: la versatilidad de un parásito tenaz

Trichomonosis is one of the most prevalent nonviral sexually transmitted infection (S.T.I.) worldwide, with an estimated 276 million cases per year according to WHO overview. Little attention is paid to this disease, although more than 50% of S.T.I. curable are caused by this protozoon. Clinically, Trichomonas vaginalis infection can produce a wide range of pathological manifestations, from asymptomatic presentation to severe inflammatory and invasive lesions in the genitourinary tract of both men and women. The possible role displayed by T. vaginalis as a viral vector might also explain its role as a risk factor in the development of cervical and prostate neoplasia. In addition, trichomonosis is strongly associated with transmission and acquisition of other bacterial and viral pathogens like HIV. T. vaginalis is a very complex organism and has developed diverse mechanisms for the colonization of the genitourinary tract probably due to its extensive genome. This parasite must survive in a hostile environment exposed to continue fluctuations. Surprisingly, T. vaginalis possesses one of the largest and most repetitive genomes, with a core set of 60,000 protein-coding genes. According to all these features, T. vaginalis could be considered an excellent model of parasite to be studied in order to better understand the dynamics and immune evasion mechanisms of such versatile parasite.
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