Relation between nutrition and arterial hupertension among adult population in Health center Rakovica

Introduction: Arterial Hypertension (HTA) takes the first place as the most common non-contagious disease of global population. Arterial hypertension has numerous risk factors which can affect patients both individually and combined. Of course, nutrition represents one of the main factors which determine appearance and development of arterial hypertension. Research purpose: To determine hypertension frequency among adult population in Health Center Rakovica and determine the correlation parameters of nutritional status with the creation hypertension in this category of patients. Material and methods: The survey was conducted during 2011-2012 period in the Health Institute of Rakovica. The research was conducted among population of 1125 respondents aged over 18. On each examinee were conducted the following measurements: height, weight, blood pressure, BMI calculated, value of total cholesterol, HDL, LDL, triglycerides and atherosclerosis index. Results: Hypertension was diagnosed in 33.3% of cases among the adult population of Rakovica. The frequency of hypertension is increasing proportionally to the age of the respondents. Hypertension is most likely to be diagnosed among people who are spending their leisure time sedentary. Only 3,6% of patients in Rakovica with hypertension had normal body weight. Percentage of patients who were close to be overweight was 21,4%, while 10,3% were classified under I class overweight, 5,2% II class overweight and 2,4 % III class overweight. Described differences among groups are highly statistically significant. (χ2=351,234 DF=20 p=0,000). Conclusion: By conducting this research we found that the value of both systolic and diastolic blood pressure are in sig­nificantly positive correlation with the age of respondents, the values of plasma levels of total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, triglycerides, and negatively correlated with HDL cholesterol.
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