Qualified I nstructors, S tudents' S atisfaction and E lectronic E ducation

Introduction: T he main purpose of the present s tudy was t o inves t iga t e t he rela t ionship be t ween t he degree of t he s t ud en t s' sa t isfac t ion from elec t ronic educa t ion and t he degree of observing morali t y and voca t ional qualifica t ions by t he facul t y members of elec t ronic educa t ion from t he s t uden t s' view points . Methods: T he presen t s t udy was applica t ive and i t was conduc t ed t h rough descrip t ive - survey me t hod. T he s t a t is t ical popula t ion was all vir t ual educa t ion s t uden t s ( N=550) in I sfahan Universi t y and t he nursing and midwifery group of I sfahan medical sciences . T he s t a t is t ical sample was es t ima t ed 226 and they were selected b y random clustering sampling method. T he informa t ion was collec t ed via t he researcher - made ques t ionnaire wi t h 60 i t ems. T he reliabili t y of t he ques t ionnaire was calcula t ed 0.94 t hrough Cronbach alpha coefficien t . T he da t a analysis was conduc t ed t hrough mea n, percen t age and s t andard devia t ion a t descrip t ive level and mono - variable t - t es t , variance analysis, and Pearson correla t ion coefficien t a t inferen t ial level . Results: T he resul t s showed t ha t t he degree of t he s t uden t s' sa t isfac t ion from elec t ronic educa t ion wa s 2 . 65. Moreover , t he achieved mean regarding t he degree of observing morali t y and voca t ional qualifica t ions by t he facul t y members was 3.24. Fur t her, t he resul t s indica t ed t ha t t here was a significan t and direc t rela t ionship be t ween t he s t uden t s' d egree of sa t isfac t ion and t he degree of observing voca t ional morali t y by t he facul t y members of elec t ronic educa t ion . In examining t he difference be t ween t he s t uden t s' sa t isfac t ion from vir t ual educa t ion according t o demographic fac t ors, t he resul t s showed t ha t jus t t he age fac t or was effec t ive P < 0.01 . Conclusion: T he resul t s of t he curren t s t udy , along wi t h o t her conduc t ed research , have indicated t ha t there are relation between students’ satisfaction with the rate of observing professors’ morali t y and v oca t ional qualifica t ions . This means that there should be more instructions about ethical professional issues. More ethical and moral workshops and seminars are suggested .
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