The Central Cattle Breeding and Dairy Farm, Bangladesh waste contributes in emergence and spread of aminoglycoside-resistant bacteria

Aminoglycosides are one of the categories of antibiotics most frequently used in treating several cattle diseases at the Central Cattle Breeding and Dairy Farm (CCBDF), Savar,Dhaka,Bangladesh. Untreated veterinary clinical healthcare waste (VCHW) of diseased cattle at CCBDF which directly disposed to surrounding may contribute to the antibiotic resistant bacteria pollution (ARB) pollution. The investigation analyses the role of VCHW of CCBDF in spreading ARB. Here we studied:1) veterinary clinical data and antibiotics treatment history; 2) total and resistant bacteria counts in fecal samples of healthy and diseased cattles as well as VCHW of CCBDF; and 3) finally, data analysis to estimate the burden of VCHW of CCBDF in the pollution of environment with aminoglycoside antibiotics resistant bacteria. The results conclusively demonstrate the spread of 3 different aminoglycoside antibiotics, namely genta- mycin, kanamycin and streptomycin resistant bacte- ria in the surrounding environment alarmingly with high significant value (p
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